Cloud Computing Insurance from

Cloud Computing InsurancePhoto by Liber

More and more businesses are turning to cloud computing for their data and technology needs. Many companies, however, still haven’t invested in cloud computing insurance. Moving storage and software into the cloud – meaning hosting it on external servers – can significantly reduce costs, provide better services for your organization, and increase the security of your data. Don’t need cloud insurance because your business doesn’t currently utilize cloud computing services? You might not be aware that you’re already using cloud computing. Hotmail, Gmail, Windows Live, Google Docs and many other popular online services are cloud computing products.

Cloud Computing Insurance: Bridging the Gap

Instead of building costly data centers, companies and individuals are choosing to host their data in the cloud. Not only do you greatly reduce setup and operating costs, most of the cloud computing server providers have multiple server farms in disparate locations, resulting in greater security than if you’re data was consolidated onsite. As reliable and safe as cloud computing is, there are still powerful reasons to purchase cloud insurance.

Similar to on-premises technology, cloud technology does not carry its own insurance policy. Server outages and data loss can prove costly for businesses, and cloud providers do not typically offer policies or restitution in case of damages. Moving your data into the cloud does not transfer liability to the cloud providers. Fortunately, cloud computing insurance from can help protect your company.

Cloud Insurance Explained

Cloud insurance fills the gap between cloud provider and consumer, creating a safety net in case of data interruption or loss. Although cloud computing services assume many of the costs of hardware and software purchasing, modification, and upkeep, they do not assume risk or liability for your data, or the ramifications of a breach or malfunction. Cloud computing insurance is a third-party solution that helps protect your business from lawsuits. Problems with your cloud provider could have serious consequences, resulting in loss of vital data, privileged information, and revenue. A cloud provider might offer some small token in case of interruption, but they will in no way provide coverage for the loss in sales that might have occurred. Information technology is evolving quickly, and it is important your company is aware of not only the advantages of cloud computing, but also the inherent risks as well. Cloud insurance provides the best of both worlds, enabling you to harness the power and security of the cloud, without sacrificing risk protection or profits.

Protect your business with cloud computing insurance: contact today for a quote!