IT Consultant Insurance from
In the current business environment, IT consultants are in high demand. While IT consultant insurance is often overlooked, it’s provides crucial coverage for tech specialists. From software consulting and programming to hardware installation and repair, IT consultants provide important support for businesses of all types and sizes. However, IT consultants are at risk for endless types of litigation, many of which are not covered in traditional general liability plans.
What is IT Consultant Insurance?
IT consultant insurance is a combination of policies packaged specifically for consultants in the information technology sector. IT consultant insurance commonly includes technology errors and omissions insurance, general liability insurance, and property insurance. IP insurance (Intellectual Property) and cyber liability insurance can also be included as part of the suite of IT consultant insurance policies offered by Unfortunately, the work IT consultants do puts them at risk for all kinds of litigation. Any problem that leads to disruption of business and profits can be grounds for a lawsuit. Coding problems, hardware malfunctions, and service interruptions can all lead to lost revenue, creating lawsuits. Security breaches, compromised databases, and server outages can all lead to proceedings against the IT consultants who supervised or installed the systems.
Why Do I Need Information Technology Insurance?
Information technology insurance is vital for IT professionals. As an IT consultant, you can be held liable months after the work has been completed. The policies contained in your IT consultant insurance can keep lawsuits from bankrupting your company. As an information technology specialist, you are not fully covered by standard policies for business owners. Without technology errors and omissions insurance and other forms of information technology insurance you are vulnerable in the event someone you’ve done work for decided to pursue action against you or your employees for an interruption to their business. Even in the event you are found to be faultless in court, the cost of a lawsuit could imperil your company’s financial standing. Information technology insurance not only covers legal fees and damages up to the amount specified in the policy, it also prevents unwarranted suits.
Protect your business with IT Consultant Insurance: contact today for a quote